Friday, September 30, 2011


Hello My Dear Girls,
Wanted to take a moment and recommend a wonderful movie I saw today- the new movie from Sherwood pictures- Courageous! I was so touched. One moment I was laughing, the next I was crying ( and I don't cry often!) If you at all can, view the movie. I am sure you will be touched. Even though I am not a parent yet, it ministered to me in a special way. I love the fact that, even though it is geared more towards fatherhood, it addresses so many things that can benefit us all- faith, family- even purity and letting your Dad guard and protect your heart! I understand some may not be comfortable with the pg-13 rating, but I found it very appropriate and uplifting. The emphasis on faith in God and family life was tremendous. I hope each of you will be able to see this movie- a real blessing! Let us all stand up with courage to be everything God wants us to be!Amen.

1 comment:

  1. My family going to go and see this movie tomorrow afternoon! I can't wait!

    Thanks for the encouraging updates. :-)
